Services & expertise

The firm specialises in cassation techniques and appears before the higher courts, as well as the administrative courts and authorities.

The firm represents and defends its clients, who may be companies, authorities or individuals, before both the Conseil d’État and the Court of Cassation.

The firm also acts before the administrative courts (administrative tribunals and administrative courts of appeal), the Conseil Constitutionnel, the Disputes Tribunal, the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and certain specialist courts, such as the Court of Audit and the disciplinary chambers of regulated professions. 

We can also assist or support our clients in any proceedings before the independent administrative authorities, particularly in regulatory matters (Competition Authority, Cnil, Arcep, Arcom, Amf, Cre, etc.), either directly or in support of our colleagues at the bars. 

Aware of the development of alternative dispute resolution methods and the interest they represent for some of our clients, we also provide mediation support. 

Backed by its in-depth, cross-disciplinary legal expertise, the firm also provides pre-litigation and non-litigation advice and opinions.

In particular, the firm:

  • provides support to fellow lawyers at the bars, backing up the drafting of legal documents, providing targeted legal analyses or helping to define procedural strategies; 
  • works directly with its clients, both institutional and non-institutional, on specific assignments, such as drafting regulatory texts, carrying out legal audits or legal foresight studies, and proposing appropriate solutions.

The constraints and risks associated with compliance systems (CSR, foreign subsidies, competition, anticor, HR) also present our clients with new challenges, requiring a cross-functional approach and in-depth knowledge of the requirements of regulators and supervisory jurisdictions.

In this respect, in conjunction with their compliance officer or their usual advisers, the firm can also help its clients to deal with their compliance needs: support for internal investigations, review and adaptation of compliance mechanisms, assistance with Judicial Public Interest Agreement (CJIP) matters.

The firm’s most frequent areas of intervention are as follows:

  • General public law
  • Public business law
  • Tax and customs law
  • Public procurement
  • Town planning
  • Environmental law
  • Disciplinary proceedings
  • Electoral law
  • Classified facilities
  • Civil service
  • General civil law 
  • Commercial law 
  • Company law
  • Banking law
  • Insurance laws
  • Building law
  • Competition law
  • Commercial leases
  • Insolvency proceedings
  • Competition law
  • Personal data
  • Intellectual property
  • Private international law 
  • Arbitration
  • Compliance
  • Economic regulation
  • Sports law
  • Civil procedure
  • Execution procedure
  • Criminal law
  • Public liberties
  • Constitutional law/ priority preliminary rulings on constitutionality (QPC)
  • Employment and social protection law